Wednesday 21 October 2009

REM sleep, Eric Cantona and Quinine.

When in the library the other day I picked up a book on dreaming and what the mind does when its a sleep. I wanted to find out why we dream, how we dream and why dreams are often easily forgotten, this is what i found out.According to Freud, we are all aware that dreams may be forgotten and therefore are liable to forget about dreams the morning after, and that there is so much that can happen in one dream, it is impossible to remember it all, if at all. The average person goes through about 2 hours of REM sleep a night, thus a person can collect a lot of information and can only be recalled if the subject has awakened just as the dream finis
hes or mid way through.
In essence, it is difficult for us to even remember parts of a dream unless we wake during or straight afte
r as, as little as a few minutes after may cause us to forget what we just dreamt.

The most recent evaluations of dream
s are that they are the "garbage dump" of the mind. As your mind seeks to make sense of all that has happened to it during the day, it pulls out similarities to other things that you have experienced. Sometimes these are just vaguely related,
which is why you ask, why did I think of X, when Y? The answer is that something that day t
riggered a "possible match" in the memory.

So. Dreams it would seem are fairly useless, just our minds trying to make sense of the days events and things pas

I started producing work from my dreams involving patterns and shapes amongst other patterns and sha
pes. I picked up some off cuts of canvas from an art shop and set about randomly displaying my dreams by using food colouring and a syringe. I picked the main theme from the dream
and used a colour to represent it.

After creating my patterns I then set out to try and find shapes or objects amongst them.
Some shapes i found:-

  • Teddy Bear
  • Letter "A"
  • Number "6" or "9"
  • A Fish
  • A Toothbrush
  • A Candle
  • A Starfish


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